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Date: 12 FEB 2025
Title : Scientific Leadership & Mentorship Program under DST-CURIE Core Grant

SS Khanna Girls' Degree College's Scientific Leadership & Mentorship Program, a DST-CURIE Core Grant event, features Dr. Shashi Bala Singh on February 15, 2025, at the Saral Tandon Conference Hall. Dr. Singh will speak on "Translational Research: A big tent model." Attendance is mandatory for PG students and research scholars; faculty are encouraged to attend.

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Date: 18 JAN 2025
Title : Requirement of Data Analyst under ICSSR funded project

Requirement of Data Analyst under ICSSR funded project:

Date: 16 SEP 2024

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Date: 10 MAY 2021
Title : Helping Hands of SS Khanna Family

Date: 01 JUN 2020
Title : Upcoming Webinar

Kindly visit for more information

Date: 12 FEB 2020
Title : Anveeksha Research Journal of SSKGDC:Call for papers

Anveeksha Research Journal of SSKGDC

Anveeksha Research Journal of SSKGDC (ISSN 2581-8163) is a peer reviewed journal published annually by S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, Prayagraj. The journal is a bilingual interdisciplinary journal that accepts research works from academicians in their respective expertise of studies. The journal is wide and available for intellectual and educational pursuit to enrich the learning experience of the group readers. The aim of the journal is the dissemination of insightful and original knowledge and hence we welcome novel and ground breaking contributions from the academicians in their respective disciplines.

The guidelines of the journal are:

·      The text should be addressed to: The Chief Editor,  Principal, S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, Prayagraj – 211003

·      The soft copies can be sent at

·      The cover letter should include declaration from the author (s) that:

1.      The manuscript is an original research work and has not been published elsewhere including open access at the internet.

2.      The data used in the research has not been manipulated, fabricated, or in any other way misrepresented to support the conclusions.

3.      No part of the text of the manuscript has been plagiarized.

4.      The manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

5.      The manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere for review while it is still under consideration for publication in our journal.

·      General Guidelines:

1.      The manuscript should be of about 2,500 to 3,000 word length.

2.      Tables, illustrations, charts, figures, exhibits, etc., should be serially numbered.

3.      The text should contain in the following order: an abstract; main text of the article and references.

4.      Manuscripts should be in single-column format, double-spaced with text English (in 11-point Times Roman font) or Hindi (in 14 point Kruti Dev 10) and with one-inch margins on all four sides of the page.

·         The editorial board reserves the right of acceptance and publication of the research papers.


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Date: 19 NOV 2019
Title : Dear Alumni click here to get connected