Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Science Faculty
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
Albert Einstein
The college is indebted to Sar-La education Trust, Mumbai which has been providing financial assistance for the successful running of the Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Science Faculty. At present an annual grant of Rs. 20 Lakh is provided by this trust for running of the faculty.
The Science Faculty was started in this college in the session 1993-94 with the approval of the University Grant Commission and the University of Allahabad. For the undergraduate course, two streams i.e. Biology group (119 seats) and Mathematics Group (56 seats) are available.
One more step leading towards the journey of academic excellence, the Faculty had started PG courses in 2016-17, in three subjects (Chemistry, Botany and Zoology) having 50 seats in each stream. With continuous efforts to move towards excellence DPhil course has been started in the three departments of the science faculty; viz Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. One more laurel has been added in the year 2019-20 as three departments - Chemistry, Botany and Zoology have been selected under the strengthening component of the star college scheme, Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi.
The recent selection of the College under DST-CURIE has come as an icing on the cake to the consistently upgrading research and academic credentials of the College. Under the Scheme, "Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE)" of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, three departments of the college Chemistry, Botany and Zoology will receive research funding from DST. The three departments would get a non-recurring grant for the purchase of equipment along with a recurring grant over three years for holistic improvement of science education with special emphasis on practical training at the postgraduate and research level and thereby nurture excellence in Science education.
Name & Designation
28 FEB 2023 Title : SSK, Institution’s InnovationCouncil (IIC)&Science Association Saroj Lalji MehrotraScienceFaculty SSK, Institution’s InnovationCouncil (IIC)&Science Association Click To Download |
27 FEB 2023 Title : Interdisciplinary activities organized under the DBTStar college scheme with no financial assistance Interdisciplinary activities organized under theDBTStar college scheme with no financial assistance Click To Download |
21 SEP 2021 Title : A Guest Lecture on Nuclear Fission, Fussin and its Physical importance Department of Physics A Guest Lecture on Nuclear Fission, Fussin and its Physical importance, by Dr.Upendra Kumar Singh Kushwaha Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Purnea University, Purnea Bihar, was organized by Department of Physics in Saroj Lal Ji Mehrotra, Science Faculty of S. S. Khanna Girls Degree College Prayagraj on 21st September 2021. He highlighted on importance of fusion in our existence, production of electricity by Nuclear reactor and many more relevant issues. The Program was organized by the convener of Dr. Pramila Gupta, in which Dr. R. P. Khare (Visiting Professor), Dr. Prithvi Raj Singh and Dr. Pooja Dwivedi was present. Total strength of students of BSc. II and Part III was seventy. Click To Download |
29 AUG 2021 Title : Workshop on Career Opportunities in Chemical Sciences Workshop on Career Opportunities in Chemical Sciences 29 August 2021;11:00 am – 01:00 pm organized by Department of Chemistry of Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Science Faculty Under Strengthening Component of Star College Scheme of DBT
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
Objectives of the Workshop Chemistry is so deeply ingrained into so many areas of life that some background in the subject can be useful to provide cutting edge in profession. Important objectives of this workshop are: •To aware about the various opportunities which students can avail after pursuing Chemical sciences •To encourage them to be self dependent •To provide a path to earn better livelihood •To promote Entrepreneurship
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POSTER COMPETITION “CONSERVATION OF WATER” Department of Botany Under the strengthening component of Star College scheme: DBT, New Delhi, a for the students of UG and PG was conducted by the Department of Botany from 09 to 15 February, 2021. In this competition, 62 students of all the faculties participated with enthusiasm. The competition was aimed to spread awareness about the importance of water conservation among the students. Safia Sadurn Nisa won the first prize, the second prize by Humaira Shahab and Hafza Masood (B.Sc. I, Bio.) and the third prize was jointly won by Aproova Rastogi (M.Sc. I Sem.), Shahana Majid (M.Sc. I Sem.) and Sanskriti Singh (B.A. II).
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13 FEB 2021 Title : Online Meeting of P.T. A दिनाक 12 फरवरी, शुक्रवार को एस.एस. खन्ना महिला महाविद्यालय के ’विज्ञान संकाय’ में अभिभावक-शिक्षक संघ की आनलाइन मीटिंग का आयोजन शाम 6ः30 पर किया गया, जिसमें विज्ञान संकाय के शिक्षक/शिक्षिकाओं के साथ लगभग 90 अभिभावकों ने भाग लिया। कालेज की प्राचार्या प्रो. लालिमा सिंह के निर्देशन पर मीटिंग शुरु की गई, जिसमें विज्ञान संकाय की समन्वयक डॉ. अर्चना ज्योति ने सभी लोगो का स्वागत करते हुए, संकाय से संबंधित अहम जानकारी प्रस्तुत किया एवं अभिभावको की अधिकतम उपस्थिति पर खुशी जाहिर किया। अभिभावक शिक्षक संघ की अध्यक्ष डॉ. अचला श्रीवास्तव ने मीटिंग का एजेण्डा प्रस्तुत करते हुए, समय-समय पर अभिभावको को अहम जानकारी प्रदान करने की बात कही डॉ. प्रीति सिंह ने प्रैक्टिकल कक्षाओ के बारे में बताया। परीक्षा नियंत्रक डॉ. आलोक मालवीय ने आनं लाइन परीक्षा के 2021 के सभी पहलुओ पर प्रकाश डाला। डॉ सुमिता सहगल (एन.एस.एस. की जानकारी-प्रदान करते हुए प्रॉक्टोरियल बोर्ड की ओर से छात्राओं के लिए सभी नियम शर्त की जानकारी दी। डॉ सिप्पी सिंह ने ’नैक’’ के बार में जानकारी प्रदान करते हुए विगत वर्षों में कालेज को नेक द्वारा प्राप्त ग्रेडिंग श्।श् की बात साझा की। डॉ अनुराधा सिंह कालेज बेवसाइट के बारे में बताते हुए कहा कि कालेज से संबधित सभी जानकारी बेवसाइट में हमेशा उपलब्ध रहती है मीटिंग के दौरान कई अभिभावकों ने अपने बच्चों के बारे, में शिक्षकों से उनके उपस्थिति एवं पढ़ाई के पर संबंध में जानकारी प्राप्त किया। अंत में डॉ प्रमिला गुप्ता ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया। मीटिंग के दौरान अभिभावक शिक्षक संघ के सभी सदस्य एवं विज्ञान संकाय के शिक्षक एवं शिक्षिकाए उपस्थित रहे। Click To Download |
08 FEB 2021 Title : Online Poster Competition on COVID 19: Impact on Health and Environment Online Poster Competition on COVID 19: Impact on Health and Environment Science Association and Department of Zoology under strengthening component of DBT star College scheme, Jointly organized an online poster competition on the topic “COVID-19: Impact on Health and Environment” from 25th-31st January, 2021. Total 63 posters were received from undergraduate and Postgraduate students of all the faculties i.e., Science, Arts, Commerce and B.Ed. The handmade and e posters were shortlisted and selected for best poster award. Panel of Judges Including Dr. Archana Jyoti,Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Coordinator, Science Faculty, Dr. Alok Malviya, Assistant Professor, Department od Botany and Examination In Charge of the college, Dr. Sumita Sahgal, Dr. Shubhra Malviya, Dr. Sharmila Vaish, Dr. Pramila Gupta, Dr. Shabnam Parveen, Dr. Sarita Agrawa and Dr. A. Rehman were the panelists. The first prize was bagged by Shivangi Khanna (B.Sc. Part I), Second Prize by Shagun Kandpal (B.Sc. Part I) and Tuba Khan (B.Sc. Part III) Whereas Third prize was awarded to Prachi Kushwaha (B.Sc. Part III), Hafsa Masood (B.Sc. Part I) and Warisha Ahmad (B.Sc. Part I). Click To Download |
25 SEP 2019 Title : Department of Botany Educational Tour Botanical Survey of India 25 September 2019 Click To Download |
17 OCT 2017 Title : National workshop on "Lifestyle Diseases and Health" National workshop on “Lifestyle Diseases and Health” organized by The National Academy of Sciences, India and Dept of Zoology, S S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College 15th and 16th October 2019 Click To Download |
28 FEB 2019 Title : National Science day Department of Zoology 28.02.2019 National Science day Department of Zoology
28.02.2019 Click To Download |
28 FEB 2019 Title : National Science day Department of Chemistry 28.02.2019 National Science day Department of Chemistry
28.02.2019 Click To Download |
21 FEB 2019 Title : Invited Lecture Department of Botany Invited lecture Dr. Ravi Tandan School of Biotecnology JNU, New Delhi Role of microbiota in HIV disease progression Click To Download |
21 FEB 2019 Title : Matribhasha Diwas
Department of Chemistry Matribhasha Diwas 21.02.2019
Department of Chemistry of S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College celebrated the Matribhasha Diwas in its campus on 21.02.2019 at 10:30 am to commemorate the International Mother Language Day– a day dedicated to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The programme was graced by Prof. Lalima Singh, Principal of the college as Chief Guest. Speaking on the occasion she emphasized on maintaining the cultural heritage of India by giving respect to the Mother Tongue. The programme witnessed different performances displayed by some students and faculty members in different languages: Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali and Urdu with full zeal and enthusiasm. The programme was coordinated by Dr Archna Jyoti, convener of the department and the vote of thanks was extended by Dr Anuradha Singh. The programme was attended by Dr Devendra Singh, Dr Swastika Singh and other faculty members. Click To Download |
22 JAN 2019 Title : National Graduate Physics Examination
Department of Physics National Graduate Physics Examination (N.G.P.E. 2019) Click To Download |
Department of Botany Debate on "MICROBIAL WORLD: MICROBES ARE BENEFICIAL OR HARMFUL" (October 11, 2018) Click To Download |
25 OCT 2018 Title : Lecture on "Anti-Aging interventions: Relevance to humans" Department of Zoology Lecture on "Anti-Aging interventions: Relevance to humans" Prof. S.I. Rizvi, Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad (October 25, 2018) Click To Download |
27 SEP 2018 Title : Seminar organized by Department of Botany on the topic "Scope and Objectives of Plant Breeding" Seminar organized by Department of Botany on the topic "Scope and Objectives of Plant Breeding" Click To Download |
07 OCT 2018 Title : Workshop on Method and Trends in Experiments of Plant Physiology
Department of Botany Organized Workshop on "Method and Trends in Experiments of Plant Physiology"
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07 OCT 2018 Title : Workshop on “Enhancing Employability Skills
Saroj Lal Ji Mehrotra Science Faculty of S.S. Khanna Girls Degree College, Allahabad, in collaboration with Mahindra Pride class room in association with Innovation Comes Jointly (ICJ) – a CSR initiative of the Mahindra Group implemented by the Naandi Foundation organized a Workshop on “Enhancing Employability Skills (EES) for B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Chemistry) final year students. This program is to provide free of cost training for employability Skills, life skill and soft skill to under privileged students. Click To Download |
07 OCT 2018 Title : Educational Trip to Bioved Research Institute Of Agriculture & Technology (BRIATS) Educational Trip to BRIATS Department of Zoology and Department of Biotechnology, S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree college jointly organized an educational trip to BRIATS, Allahabad on 6th October, 2018. The students of M.Sc III Semester Zoology and Biotechnology witnessed some of the important techniques at the institute. Faculty of Bioved provided the live demonstrations of Lac culture, pearl culture, Dairy farming, vermicomposting, biofertilizer production and tissue culture. The eco-friendly approach of the institute highly motivated the students. Click To Download |
1 | Chemistry B.Sc. I | Click To Download |
2 | Chemistry B.Sc. II | Click To Download |
3 | Chemistry B.Sc. III | Click To Download |
4 | Chemistry M.Sc. | Click To Download |
5 | DIPLOMA IN BIOTECHNOLOGY | Click To Download |
6 | Botany M.Sc. | Click To Download |
7 | Zoology B.Sc. | Click To Download |
8 | Zoology M.Sc. | Click To Download |
9 | Mathematics B.Sc. | Click To Download |
10 | Physics B.Sc. | Click To Download |
11 | Botany B.Sc. | Click To Download |